Surely you have had many of those in your lifetime and you wonder what new can you learn here? You would be partially right to think that. And I am also here to tell you that there is more to that. A while ago, I was listening to the podcast of Brené Brown and […]
Is there a place for storytelling in professional life?
The very intuitive answer for many of us would be no. Who has time to listen to stories when the job needs to be done? In fact, only a few years ago, I would have come to the same conclusion. So, let me explain what happened that changed my mind. The other day my friend […]
Make new beginnings less daunting and more manageable
Have you ever had the feeling of a total overwhelm when thinking about starting a new project, a new chapter of your life or just doing something for the 1st time? The feeling that you don’t even know where to start? I remember when I used to go on international assignments abroad to countries […]
My toxic boss
A toxic boss can literally be your nightmare. Would you agree? Your boss/superior should be someone that supports, guides and empowers you, is an inspiration, simply has your back. In your toxic reality however, you are experiencing some degree of bullying, microaggressions, impossible “man-made” deadlines, micromanagement, even public shaming or passive aggressive behaviour. This person makes […]
Where is my motivation?
You know the feeling. You drag your feet. You procrastinate until the last moment. Every little move seems to be draining your energy. Your efficiency at work even remote work is minimal. You say to yourself: “oh, it’s Monday blues”, “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “ I don’t like doing admin( what ever it […]
Stop the overwhelm
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” Lin Yutang, I am sure you know the feeling when there are just way too many things packed in your day and you don’t even know where to […]